2020 Summer. 2020 08 02.

Dillon, Montana to the Anaconda Sportmans Campground on the US-43 near Wise River, Montana. 64 miles.

Today, we took Hitch up North, to meet Aaron and Lillian at a beautiful dry-camp spot on the Big Hole River, off Highway 43 between Divide and Wisdom. This whole section of road is open to boon-docking on State and National forest land (BLM), and, of course, at any of the many private campgrounds along the river.

The Big Hole river has significance as Lewis and Clark travelled along it in the early 1800s under orders from President Jefferson, to try to find a navigable waterway across the West to the Pacific Ocean. It is a beautiful, rugged, area, populated with lots of wildlife and fishing. Including bears. Yup, one should keep an eye out in the evenings when outside around food etc – although we were not lucky enough to encounter any while there.

It’s a beautiful spot so looking forward to taking many pictures to share!

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