2020 Summer. 2020 07 27.

Wolf Creek, Montana to Helena, Montana and back. 72 miles.

Today was a quiet day, but with some excitement as Aaron and Lillian asked us to attend their “Walk-through” of their new additional property that they were purchasing next door. We met Aaron’s other sister and hubby there, and we all did the walk-through together. A very nice piece of land with a large mobile home and multiple sheds. They plan to sell the mobile home and some of the sheds and keep one or two of the better sheds, and then to build an RV pad or two on the site, for friends/family or even potentially RV renters looking to spend time in this lovely area!

Afterwards, we jumped into the F350 and shot off the Helena, the State Capital of Montana, for Aaron and Lillian to sign some paperwork for the property purchase, and then headed off to the Mediterranean Grill, a fabulous restaurant serving, you guessed it, Mediterranean food. Our favorite!

Us “Old Toppies” had some trouble with the new-fangled online parking meters, and we had a good laugh while trying various techniques to get the #$%^ thing to accept our credit card and print a receipt. Unusually, there was no need to place a receipt in the vehicle. The attendants can check the status based on licence plate, on their system.

We sat outside in the warm, beautiful day, with some much appreciated shade helping to keep the comfort levels up, and had a delicious meal with a couple beers, before taking a stroll down to an old favorite bakery of theirs, a few blocks away.

We (almost) resisted the temptation to stock up on the delicious looking chocolates and baked goods, all made in-house. But, of course, we had to have at least a LITTLE baggie of various chocs to sample!

We decided to have a nice, quiet evening after we returned, as we’d been on the go for a few days and tomorrow would be packing up to head back to our campground in Dillon, about 3 hours South of Wolf Creek.

Lillian brought out the remaining delicious salad and we had a couple of brats on the grill to fill up our tummies, before heading down to the camper for our last night with our dear friends!

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