2020 Summer. 2020-07-23.

A small project – updating the bathroom vanity, faucet and countertop

So, we have rain and a storm in the area, so Karen and I decided it was a good day to tackle our bathroom vanity project.

The original vanity sink is in good shape but is, frankly, almost as hideously ugly as the truly gobsmackingly ugly faucets, which are that deep ’80s style of glass and gold, and with the cold faucet turning the opposite direction to the hot faucet, just enough to confuse the crap out of me after a coupla large glasses of vino!

I took the opportunity to remove the original countertop and replace is with a larger countertop that I cut from a cheap piece of pine board that I bought at Home Depot. I cut the board on the campground picnic table outside and was waiting to see if someone would come and tell us to tone down the noise from the power tools, but we finished the two cuts in less than 2 minutes, so I suppose it wasn’t too bad! 🙂

I added about 2 inches to the front and sides of the board for a little more space for toothbrushes, etc, and drilled the holes necessary for the bowl sink and the new faucet.

Of course, nothing goes perfectly to plan and the new faucet water line connectors were the more modern style and did not fit the larger RV water supply lines, so off to the local Ace Hardware up the road, for some adapters.

Once back, everything went to plan and it only took a few minutes after Karen had stained the countertop and waited for it to dry, for me to screw it back onto the base cabinet, and then mount and glue the new bowl sink and the new faucet.

We think it looks much more modern and fits better with our styling “theme”!

Old and new pics….

Old vanity, faucet and countertop

Tomorrow, we head North on the I-15 to visit our dear friends that we made in Yuma, Lillian and Aaron, in Wolf Creek, about 170 miles away. We’ll be there for 3 nights to have 2 full days with them. Can’t wait!

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