2020 Summer. 2020-07-12

Day 02. Kanarraville, Utah to McCammon, Idaho. 402 miles

Waking up at the Red Ledge RV Park, we quickly finished our ablutions, got dressed and headed out. I was still undecided about the route, as some of our friends recommended we head North on the I-15 as it is one of the prettier Interstates, especially going through Utah, but I generally don’t like the Interstates and want to make maximum use of the small travel rig and rather travel on the smaller, more scenic, secondary roads.

Anyway, I decided to stick with the I-15 for now, and so we headed out on I-15 and set course for McCammon, Idaho, which is just South of Pocatello.

The drive was uneventful, if somewhat boring. This confirmed my opinion that Interstates are boring as all hell, but we made good time, of course.

One thing that we were very happy about was that Maddie was MUCH happier in the back seat of the truck than she ever was in our Class A Motorhome, where she could never seem to settle down. Perhaps the combination of being close to us and not having as much room to move around actually helped to settle her!

During our drive, I missed a call from our friend Art, who had seen my post on Facebook asking for advice on the most scenic/best route to take to Montana, and so I decided to call him back the next morning, before we headed out, as it looked like we had options to get back onto the 93, from the I-15, and thus see more of the mountain passes etc which can be so spectacular.

After a long day, we eventually found a little CG called Crystal Springs Campground, in McCammon, Idaho.

What a beautiful little campground! Thick, lush, green grass sites, and a beautiful little creek where water from the mountain behind flowed into the pond surrounded by tall reeds. Maddie absolutely loved having a swim in the cool water, after a long, dry, hot day.

More tomorrow…..

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